when u finish the beta?
Run 1 and 2 as admin
hey, could you maybe help me out?
hi, I can't start iniuria, cuz writes: patchguard check windows files are patched! same but i win10 / i cant run patchguard
hi, I can't start iniuria, cuz writes: patchguard check windows files are patched! (I have win7) HELP PLS
Dear Admin, I already installed all the windows updates availables, it didn't fix my problems, I paid my subscription three days ago, and I couldn't even use it once! Pleas what should I do? My windows it is a windows 7 64Bits. Best Regards, Heloy
Activate me pls thanks!!
Sehr nice Lass mir mal irgendwie deine Handy-Nr zukommen, bissl schreiben/quatschen
Dich gibts ja immer noch.. Auch Softwareentwickler ?
i have a probleme look my screen : http://prntscr.com/a5w1ky my teamviewer : 363 180 535 , 8265
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