would not say new i bought accounts since 2015 from this seller never problems
Type: Posts; User: pandarenvieh
would not say new i bought accounts since 2015 from this seller never problems
a bit cheaper g2g seller hellen wong is also a good option but no cd keys just first mail but never got any account claimed last years
ezsmurfs best site never got 1 claimed back you get orginal email and when you ask all cd keys
5er Stack hilft da ansonsten nix. Ich kauf einfach neue Accounts
like i said ingame best/safest option for skinchanger
Stop playing Obv or buy more Accounts
y thereīs no need to rush take your time thx for the update
hmm my reported players and ow cases get quick banned
nah your brain is outdated not the cheat
nicht nur die cheat user crashen die Seite sondern Activison dann auch XD
maybe your payment failed ? or did you maybe open a complaint for double pay ?
sometimes itīs a bit delayed depends on what payment you used
because you have no sub
then you need money on your paypal account because paypal want it for security reason
when your transaction is on hold it can take some time 1-5 days
you will get automatic your sub when itīs done
would say christmas but idk last sale was some days ago
lifetime 60eur
i had 1 time same problem paypal was thinking my connection isnīt save after i used my phone internet to buy it works
or maybe you have set payment to use your bank account first and not your pp...
depends on playstyle just use what works perfect for you with smooth 75/75 is ok and not looking obv
think your cc needs 3d secure
i see you have a sub now have fun with ini :)
paypal ? can take up to 3 days sometimes
think he just search for cheater friends to play cs:go because he said "would gladly accept the cheats thx."
is hard to use shoutbox without a sub XD