Open your own thread please
Regards, K
Type: Posts; User: Kraazor
Open your own thread please
Regards, K
Hi, those features have been patched I already told you in discord like 4 times. They havent worked since 2020 and the cheat wont be updated because of a very low priority and low userbase.
If you do not get the c0000428 error then you do not require to turn off secureboot. Dont worry
Yes, he did got banned.
Hi, as long as the cheat files are not in your C drive you are good to go
you could use a secondary hdd, ssd, a windows partition out of your C drive that takes like 2 minutes to make, a...
Thanks you for the very detailed feedback!
Hi, all new subscriptions get a free hwid reset
payments are only if you change locations while having an active subscription
Regards, K.
We do not support any leagues, and we wont tell you you are safe to cheat on it unless we know what kind of anticheat they are running
Regards, K.
I can close the thread
Regards, K.
Depending on your features and config, yes
Use low fov
Very high smooth
No healthbar esp, granade info and damage indicator
Thanks for claryifying
Regards, K.
No problem
If you need anything else, feel free to contact us!
Regards, K
yes it does
The only windows builds that we do not support are custom OS or insider builds
Regards, K.
Old thread
Regards, K.
Hi, anyone with a lifetime subscription can resell, if the name appears in orange color feel free to contact us to check the user, if the name is grayish blue like yours DO NOT proceed with the...
thanks you very much for the kind words :D
No problem
if you need anything else feel free to open a new thread
Regards, K.
No problem if you need anything else feel free to contact us again and open a new thread
Regards, K.
Hi, the price will remain the same since customers are still buying it and are happy with the features and quality of the software.
If you wish to save up some money we will have a lifetime price...
Hi, yes the 2019 partial detection was due to chams, not to skinchanger
And no, using allow_thrid_party_software will not improve security, it will just ruin your trustfactor
Regards, K.
Hi all features are up to date and safe to use! where did you see that the skinchanger was detected? could you please share that post ?
Thanks you
So you are saying that the price of a product is directly proportional to how old a software is?
then if takedown updates the software then it can go back to a higher price ?
If we have good sales why would we drop the price down, that would reduce revenue from the product.
Tho, its an intereting aproach, I will forward this to the owner
Hi, all features are undetected in cs:s build, game hasnt gotten any new security updates so far.
you are good to go.
2/3 weeks ago you didnt owned a subscription
your last sub ended 12.05.2024.
Hwid resetted since your sub is new
regards, K.