I know, but the sale price for lifetime isn't $50 anymore, it is at $60 now and I think they wont lower it to $50 again
Type: Posts; User: m4rciwtf
I know, but the sale price for lifetime isn't $50 anymore, it is at $60 now and I think they wont lower it to $50 again
I think there won't be a $50 sale again, they raised the price to $60 and I think they won't lower it again
Why 60€ now tho. last sale it was at 50€ xD
Werent the prices for lifetime CSGO, CS:S and BF1 50€ and the others 40€ last sale?
Das geht ja noch. Aber um das zu Injecten muss man einfach nur eine Exe ausführen und das wars dann, oder?
ich würde mir demnächst eventuell mal nen Cheat gönnen, wenn mal Geld auf meinem Konto ist. Deswegen schaue ich mich schon um und Iniuria interessiert mich, besonders wegen dem P/L.
Aber da...