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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question LE legit play, pre purchase questions.

    Currently an LE without hacking on CSGO.
    Although I want to give cheating another go.
    Ive used Iniuria for CSS at my buddies, however I do not own CSS. (I did love it however, if the experience is the same with CSGO I will not be disappointed when I sub myself. (Between paycheques, subbing in a week or so..maybe sooner)

    Considering the normal way of running "legit"
    Trigger bot, no RCS, low FOV.

    Although, I was recently made aware that pSilent was fixed somehow. I was wondering how "legit" play will be effected.
    Without pSilent cheats seem very risky to me, I would love a little bit of a run down on the "legit" settings any trusted customers or moderators have. (I know there is a thread about this somewhere but it does not allow general access, I do not need to know everything, just how pSilent comes into play is pretty big for me) I don't want to use the feature and then regret it.

    Been cheating CS since CZ/CSS (mostly css externals)
    Been cheating CoD since early/mid CoD4 PC days. JTagged for MW2, didn't use any performance cheats on consoles.
    Rough idea of what's what, but recent changes/patches have confused me a little bit.

    Planning a lifetime sub if I can work out legit play. I know you guys have a very low detection rate, I already know how to bypass overwatch (to my best ability) and I have actual legit competitive experience, so I know how to hide it well...or id assume.

    I know, long post, new user. Thank you for being patient. Hopefully I am coherent enough for you guys.
    Thanks for the patience and more pew pew less Q_Q.


  2. #2
    Customer aMYST's Avatar
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    come on iniuria teamspeak i will help you with your questions
    They don't ask no questions, nigga , all they do is bang bang bang
    They don't ask no questions, all they do is bang bang


  3. #3
    Customer ingweil's Avatar
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    Im just playing wiht pSilent. If ur set ur fov to 2 or less there are no shakes and it looks very legit.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Hmm, smooth amount? Is there another form of aim silencing that I can slightly increase the FOV? (Just trying to get a good understanding of how the setup will go before I subscribe)

    *have used a couple source aimbots for various games in 2014/15, less general questions and more specific.

    Last two questions pre-sale; I know it runs well in full,window or wind/full on 8x64bit (large reason apart from the detection rate and testimonials for condiseration) do you need to enable UAC and run the launcher in compatibility etc?


    What warrant's a HWID change? Free only one or so long as you have a justified reason can you receive one?
    Have been resetting my own HWID as of late, although with newer OS's and security measures you knows it's a bit harder to do so. The PC I currently use has only had one cheat put on to the machine (no name, premium paid multihack as well) and had a HWID changer built in, but it never chose to change my ID. I always thought it was suspect logging back into my main account.

    Thank you for the help, you will be seeing a purchase from me in the near future.
    Last edited by Miixins; 09-17-2015 at 06:11 PM.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    1 Month Purchased on 09-18-2015.
    Awaiting confirmation and fun times! :3

  6. #6
    Iniuria Staff Pure Hate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miixins View Post
    1 Month Purchased on 09-18-2015.
    Awaiting confirmation and fun times! :3

    You are already activated.

    For furhter questions, just write me a pm.
    If you need Support (German & English Support) -> Click

    If you need a HWID Reset -> Click

    Detected Matchmaking Features -> Click

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