Yo, are you guys going to support the faceit client in the future?
Yo, are you guys going to support the faceit client in the future?
The last detection was at December 2014
Didn't you asked when the last detection was? I'm a bit confused xD
I guess it's not gonna happen, but maybe.
I don't know how many waves Iniuria survived but I know that the last detection was in 2014 ^^
Yeah, i just realized i was wrong about a "detection" in 2016... it was obviously due to rage settings by users.
At that point i thought it was 4 in total but i guess there has only been 3 then.
About Faceit, have the iniuria staff replied an official statement about Faceit anywhere? Couldn't find anything
Last edited by Xparn; 04-25-2017 at 11:49 AM. Reason: edit