Aimbot Rating: 9
Triggerbot Rating: 9
Visual Rating: 10
Misc Rating: 10
Overall Rating: 9
I would give this cheat a 10 but there are many features to be installed in the future that i think would help better improve CSGO Full legit style gameplay
- Aim Mode for every weapon
- auto accept
- spawn protection
- rapidfire (Rapidfire weapons where needed.)
- Variable 'game.maxflash' = "0-255" Max flash alpha when under the flashbang effect.
- duckjump (Always hold down duck while jumping.)
- edgejump (Automatically jump at the last possible moment without falling of the ledge.)
- jumpbug (Allows you to fall certain distances without taking fall damage.)
- lagticks (Average number of ticks to constantly lag yourself for.)
- lagswitch (Number of ticks to lag yourself for.)
- dropfov (When you have a target, drop them if they go outside this fov.)
- minfov (Do not aimbot under this fov to avoid a tight lock.)
- triggerfov (When inside this fov, autofire your weapon.)
- bursttime (Time in seconds to burst the weapon.)
- burstdown (Time in seconds after burst to cool down before bursting again.)
- distmod (Turns fov and dropfov settings into a radius (in hammer units) of the maximum distance the aim can track.)
- idletime (Delay between switching targets.)
- fadetime (Fade tracking over this many seconds after target lost.)
- advanced (Factor target distance and velocity in smoothing.)
- aimahead (Aim ahead of the target with his velocity times this.)
- aimsmooth (Smooth velocity changes to avoid abrupt and unnatural tracking.)
- airfactor (Reduce vertical track strength when a player target is airborne.)
force (After the delay, fire anyway even if you're going to miss.)
trdelta (Extra traces to improve accuracy.)
Variable 'trbot.nospread' = "seed"
Compensate for spread, not visible to spectators.
Values: seed, false, true
Burst fire weapons, 'true' requires scripts.rapidfire to function properly.
Values: auto, false, true
- bursttime (Time in seconds to burst.)
- burstdown (Time in seconds to cool down after a burst.)
- minspread (If inaccuracy is less than base inaccuracy multiplied by this, fire regardless. Values less than 1 to disable.)
- spreadcap (Spread must be low enough so that a circle of this radius is guaranteed to hit. Use with nospread=true.)
- nquantum (Limit number of traces to test hit chance, lower this to increase FPS while using the triggerbot.)
- knife (Control knife triggerbot, smart adds in additional swings.)
Variable 'trbot.knife' = "smart"
Control knife triggerbot, smart adds in additional swings.
Values: smart, false, stab
The type of toggle used.
Values: hold, off, always, hold_inv, disable, enable, toggle
chickens (Target chickens.)
Variable 'scripts.rapidfire' = "true"
Rapidfire weapons where needed.
Values: true, false
- nullmov "true" (Cancel your movement on the ground when no movement keys are pressed.)
Should be able to hold mouse4 [not default fire key] and RCS should start spraying as long as aim key is held.
It seems RCS only compensates for Recoil when the aimbot is constantly shooting. [autofire and triggerbot] don't work in this situation with RCS.
Feature Request: "hold_inv" allows you to "hold set key i.e mouse4" and inv will allow you to press mouse1 to aimbot as well as alternative instead of the "set key"
This allows the aimbot to know that mouse4 is similar to mouse1 and will shoot/spray as a triggerRCS
//toggles.create autofire ragebot.rage.autofire false true
//toggles.autofire.key mouse4
//toggles.autofire.mode hold