so I will get vac banned or something? cas sometimes the game crashes and I dont want to reboot my comp every time I open this sht(i never did)
edit: i have win 7 if matters
so I will get vac banned or something? cas sometimes the game crashes and I dont want to reboot my comp every time I open this sht(i never did)
edit: i have win 7 if matters
Last edited by szarfasz69; 08-13-2018 at 08:29 PM.
If the game crashes you don't have to reboot you can safely reload cs. Yet if you want to switch between accounts you must remove your USB-Stick and reboot before logging on to another account. Because that risks a VAC not only on the account you cheated on but on every account you logged into before rebooting since the moment you loaded the cheat.
Rank: 5 Global Elite Accounts
Bans: 0 Overwatch / 0 VAC / 0 Untrusted
Skill: EZ
and what if I have only 1 account and I close the game by myself and after that I reopen the game and inject the cheat without reboot? vac?
You cant play csgo on phones. Lmao xD
Every "cs" game you play on your phone is mostly a rip-off or a virus
Best regards,
Staff wanna be
Legit hacker
Ow bans: 0
Vac bans: 1
Discord: I wont kidnap you#0001
Please no cheat talk