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  1. #1
    Customer safe's Avatar
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    Post Brutally honest review + suggestions, by safe (1,5+ year)

    Hi I'm safe, in this post I'll be reviewing and criticizing CS:GO's Iniuria, and as conclusion give a global summary + rating (for the people who just want to read the conclusion).
    **DISCLAIMER: I don't hate Iniuria, matter fact Ini is my favorite cheat. This post is only meant to help others and help Iniuria improve.
    PS: I'm being brutally honest in this review! Do not take any offense to any of the mentioned below.
    This post will be categorized as followed:
    - Introduction
    - Pros
    - Cons (+ potential fixes)
    - Other suggestions
    - Summary
    - Conclusion, Rating

    I've been in the cheating scene of CS:GO for awhile now, so I'd say I could review a cheat in a more understandable manner. (In a way where I compare Iniuria to other premium or even free cheats.)
    Also I've had Iniuria for at least a year and I have seen some small bugs that could be fixed as well.

    The pros will be displayed as the following
    1) Category: opinion
    2) Any special notes will be shown with a *
    3) Rating

    1) Aimbot: works very smoothly and looks very legitimate
    * The option for implementing your own humanization within aim is fantastic

    2) Triggerbot: triggerbot definitely works well with chance and delay, solid triggerbot

    3) Visuals: working as they should be, good as what they are now, could use new options

    4) ESP: need more customizability (which are listed down) otherwise, working good
    * Definitely a fan of multiple versions of SoundESP, wish the range/distance could be changed

    5) Misc: also could need some customizability within some features, but in conclusion they all work as expected
    * Also not very related to myself, others would want this more than me but I could see myself being happier with extra customizability

    Backtrack: works AMAZINGLY as it should be
    EdgeJump: P E R F E C T, besides the keybind not recognizing certain keys
    Bunnyhop: Works but... needs more specification, asap.
    Region Changer: Works again, but sometimes puts me in South-African servers when I put i.e. Berlin for some reason

    6) Playerlist: works as it should be, although I don't really see myself using it that much

    7) Config: working amazingly smoothly but could be renewed (change of config folder, change of .conf if possible, option to enable an extra warning in case of miss-clicking "Save Default", "Save Config" or "Load Config")
    * This isn't a problem to me but could still be handy for a lot of people, that's why I cannot give it a higher rating because it would be biased

    There are plenty of small fixes that don't appear as a major issue, but would still be appreciated to be fixed.
    List of all small bugs/problems I've encountered:
    - Aimbot drops heavily in FPS when using keybind-aim (I don't know if it's Iniuria's fault or what, but this problem doesn't encounter with other cheats)
    - Keybind doesn't recognize certain keys (i.e. CAPSLOCK)
    - Triggerbot Delay is only set for delay within bullets
    - Bunnyhop isn't undetected on a lot of serversided anticheats
    - Some knives on skinchanger have broken animations (Butterfly, Ursus, Talon and probably more)
    - Streamermode is very tough to find/enable/even find out about its existence
    - SoundESP (Step, Glow) is shown out of possible sound range

    List of all suggestions that could take place in the future:
    - Triggerbot "Reaction Time"
    - Triggerbot "Friendly Fire" (for deathmatch)
    - Triggerbot "Wall Penetration"/"Wallbang"/"Visible", (NOT AutoShoot) (with chance, delay, etc. NOT Auto-shoot)
    - (Sound)ESP customizable range/distance
    - Aimbot/Triggerbot cuztomizable minimum accuracies (the minimum accuracy you'll have to be in order for them to work, this is more precise than chance)
    - BHop: randomized chance, max/min. bhops, disable when crouching option
    - Knife on each side (T, CT)
    - Add our own grenades to the Grenade Helper

    Optional suggestions (can be ignored):
    - "Leaguemode", disables all options that aren't considered 'closet cheating' (ESP, Skinchanger, Nightmode and other visuals, Clantag, etc.)

    In conclusion, Iniuria is a great, perhaps one of the greatest cheats for its price, community and kind staff members.
    From all the cheats I've used/tested (Novo, Aimware, Interium, etc.) Iniuria has definitely scored the best on all levels (detection, performance, price, community, customer service, difficulty on how to get).
    Major recommend and I'm very hyped for Iniuria V5 release.

    Total rating: 9.1/10, DEFINITELY recommended.

    This is the end of my review, hope there will be done something with it.

    Yours truly,

    // 07/05/2022 update: AntiDLL problem has been fixed
    Last edited by safe; 05-07-2022 at 01:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Customer Geronimo's Avatar
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    yes, its a good cheat, but it will become EXTREMELY better in v5

  3. #3
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    Region Changer: Works again, but sometimes puts me in South-African servers when I put i.e. Berlin for some reason

    this is cuz there is no Berlin Server anymore

  4. Likes wallhacks, 17sergio liked this post
  5. #4
    Member lowdeltaa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by safe View Post
    List of all small bugs/problems I've encountered:
    - Does not bypass AntiDLL-plugin within a lot of servers
    that is the only thing that would make me a little bit upset, although it can be changed in v5

    Quote Originally Posted by safe View Post
    - Keybind doesn't recognize certain keys (i.e. CAPSLOCK)
    why the hell yould you use capslock and then rage whenever it stays toggled?xd

    Quote Originally Posted by safe View Post
    - Bunnyhop isn't undetected on a lot of serversided anticheats
    not many cheats do have their bhop undetected on serverside ACs (smac/custom); just click the spacebar as you wish and play it safe.. it is better than a bhop hitchance!

    Quote Originally Posted by safe View Post
    - Some knives on skinchanger have broken animations (Butterfly, Ursus, Talon and probably more)
    - SoundESP (Step, Glow) is shown out of possible sound range
    this would also make me kinda upset, thanks for pointing this out, I will bare that in mind!

    loved your suggestions though

    thanks for the review!!

  6. Likes wallhacks liked this post
  7. #5
    Customer shooter1004's Avatar
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    Great review, but im pretty sure caps lock works as a keybind, i use it for 3rd person key as an example. Just doesnt show up in the menu when you set that key.
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  8. #6
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    There are plenty of small fixes that don't appear as a major issue, but would still be appreciated to be fixed.
    List of all small bugs/problems I've encountered:
    - Does not bypass AntiDLL-plugin within a lot of servers

    This is what turned me off the cheat. But some versions of antidll are very good at detecting dlls i only know 1 internal cheat that bypasses all of them
    Yeah i agree best legit cheat alot of features, ud, good price and one of the best legitbots if you use m1 aim i would say its the bes

  9. #7
    Administrator takedown_iniuria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juhho1 View Post
    There are plenty of small fixes that don't appear as a major issue, but would still be appreciated to be fixed.
    List of all small bugs/problems I've encountered:
    - Does not bypass AntiDLL-plugin within a lot of servers

    This is what turned me off the cheat. But some versions of antidll are very good at detecting dlls i only know 1 internal cheat that bypasses all of them
    Yeah i agree best legit cheat alot of features, ud, good price and one of the best legitbots if you use m1 aim i would say its the bes
    This was fixed almost 5 months ago

  10. Likes SYSTEMFILES, wallhacks, tadee, 17sergio liked this post
  11. #8
    Customer safe's Avatar
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    People still talking about Iniuria being able to bypass AntiDLL now, this post was made before that was possible.
    About the keybind problem, it works but it still doesn't show up in the menu, which can be confusing.
    Bhop is still detected, some people like to legit cheat with Iniuria, therefore it'd be a more legit feature.
    Also I've been experiencing some performance issues when turning both aimbot and triggerbot on, don't know what causes it.

  12. #9
    Customer tadee's Avatar
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    Solution: don't use a triggerbot in 2022.
    How does a triggerbot help you with legit cheating? Never got that point; it does not look legit, its painful to use and to look at - it looks so obvious.
    Proud lifetime user
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  13. #10
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    By any chance do you have multipoint enable?


    CS:GO Rank: Global Elite

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