Dear immortals, I need some wow gold inspiration to create.
Dear immortals, I need some wow gold inspiration to create.
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i'm waiting for skinchanger too,
So i'll give my point of view.
I don't use cheats so that "other people get shit on" , i just cheat for fun, always play legit, only use wallhacks and use triggerbot for 1 deags only, no aimbot.
My point is, not everyone uses cheats for the same reason
As for skinchanger, since i don't like bragging and im not interested in people seeing my skins or thinking i'm rich , i think paying for a skinchanger costs way less than buying the actual skins on steam xD, plus i can change skins between rounds ,also knifes are placebo , makes me feel i'm playing well lol
100% agree with you.
Can you tell me how I can contact the team about payments?