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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    inuiria's weed research facility
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    Cool My review of Inuiria after 2 years


    for context , I had another inuiria account that I forgot the login to / it was logged on my old PC , and since now I have lifetime I feel its fair to make this review

    so for starters I've been with inuiria since csgo 2022 , back in 2022/2023 csgo it was the best semi/legit software I've used to date.

    in cs2 its a bit missing in features but is still overall a great software, the devs and support is also great compared to others and more


    This is my personal view + opinions/ideas so feel free to correct me / give me your opinion (i like every message sent so it helps both of us!)

    LEGIT BOT 8/10
    so overall the aimbot is a great feature in this cheat since its mainly made for legit cheating its super customizable and also very precise
    you can chose either to have it snap or humanize and I love that option overall it works great for semi/legit/rage
    for legiting its near perfect only thing that could be better is better MP / RCS but otherwise it works like a charm
    for semi raging its nasty as hell , but it isnt as good as it was back in csgo hoping for more updates to fix this
    rage wise its inuiria if you got this to rage you're kinda retarded lol
    (also it has a bug that sometime it doesnt lock on to certain people and the only fix ive found is reinjecting xd plz fix)

    visuals 6/10
    so compared to csgo where the visuals were amazing
    in cs2 theyre kinda lackluster compared to other providers sometimes they stop rendering
    sometimes the anim fix bugs out BADLY but ima blame that on cs2 and not the cheat
    the skeletons/boxes work fine and also the fact that you have so many options for esp makes it worth for cs2 even if it isnt perfect!

    misc 10/10
    misc kinda empty lol but we do have autostop and autoaccept atleast right? (pls add more features lol)

    so I would put a higher score on it but it has allot of issues and is still missing KNIVES i wont cry about it
    but at least fix the configuration issues and bad skin cfg saving issues or maybe add a sharing option/multiple skin cfg options

    config system 7/10

    again would of rated this allot higher but the main issue is that it has allot of bugs / sometimes the configs wont save loading from clipboard would result into crashes
    loading the wrong config or too many in a game would cause it to crash
    saving / loading issues too and more .

    in the end im glad im supporting inuiria because in the end its always gonna be the best legit/semi software godbless inuiria and have a good new years!

    signed tr1p
    Last edited by terpCS; 12-30-2023 at 07:37 PM. Reason: fixing thread

  2. Likes 2makss, MOBZ liked this post
  3. #2
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    Why did you give misc 10/10 ??? Its ok to be honest i would give it a solid 4 but i agree with rest except skinchanger, i would give it a 8.5
    Last edited by ZwarHater; 12-30-2023 at 08:11 PM.

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  5. #3
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    a 4? but it does as stated it would be lower if it didnt work, yes there is a lack of misc options but they work fine so i agree with the 10/10 since there is nothing to complain about when it comes to reliablity of the features.
    Clapper Juan
    Lifetime User Since: 20/04/23

  6. #4
    Join Date
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    inuiria's weed research facility
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    after messing with it more im switching it to a 8.5 as you mentioned figured some cool things out just has some bugs to be fixed out

  7. #5
    Join Date
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    inuiria's weed research facility
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZwarHater View Post
    Why did you give misc 10/10 ??? Its ok to be honest i would give it a solid 4 but i agree with rest except skinchanger, i would give it a 8.5
    and misc cuz it has nothing yet so no bugs lol works as intended

  8. #6
    Join Date
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    inuiria's weed research facility
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    what do you mean by a 4 , and thanks for the rest of the message!

  9. #7
    Join Date
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    Because it lacks features

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