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  1. #1
    Customer Zurah's Avatar
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    Question Security related questions

    I know that Iniuria focuses a lot on security, which I greatly appreciate, however, if possible, I'd like to learn more about how you guys make sure that the cheat (speaking about the CS2 one in my case) stays undetected and what kind of precautions you take regarding VAC, as VAC modules are streamed dynamically meaning it can be hard to stay ahead of the curve.
    I understand if those infos are confidential obviously, but as I said, if possible I'd like to learn more, as I am considering buying
    Last edited by Zurah; 02-10-2024 at 01:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Customer hmm's Avatar
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    The devs will never speak on how they circumvent detection as that is a well-kept secret to keep the cheat from being detected and Valve catching up, but afaik the Iniuria hasn't been detected by a large VAC wave since 2018-2019. ( ). I've been cheating on the same account since 2018, and it's never been banned.
    No detections on CS2 as of yet.
    When cheating just remember there is always a risk to get banned at any given second as Valve continues to update the game and the anticheat measures, it's just something that comes with the sport. If this is an issue for you, play on an alt account or don't cheat at all.
    Play smart, play legit, don't ragehack, and you likely won't be banned.

    Hope this helped

  3. #3
    Moderator Kraazor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zurah View Post
    I know that Iniuria focuses a lot on security, which I greatly appreciate, however, if possible, I'd like to learn more about how you guys make sure that the cheat (speaking about the CS2 one in my case) stays undetected and what kind of precautions you take regarding VAC, as VAC modules are streamed dynamically meaning it can be hard to stay ahead of the curve.
    I understand if those infos are confidential obviously, but as I said, if possible I'd like to learn more, as I am considering buying
    All we can say it's that for the past 5 years an AI has been trained to scan vac modules 24/7. So far has been doing quite a good job

    Everything else its private.

    Regards, K.

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