Game Engine: Source2 (OB)
Game Version: Current Version
Release Date: 07.10.2023
Status: VAC Undetected
- Aimmode (Aimkey,Autoaim)
- Multiple Hitbox (Nearst, Head, Chest, Stomach, Arms, legs ...)
- Fov
- Smooth (different algorithms)
- Hitchance
- Time
- First shot delay
- Disable aim after first shot
- Avdraw
- Hitbox Scan
- Visible timeout
- Overtime
- Distancebasedfov / Sphere based fov
- Nonsticky
- Autoshoot
- WeaponSettings (All weapons configurable solo and groups)
- Recoil Control System (smooth, aiming, standalone)
- Recoil Control System pitch/yaw scale
- Smoke/Flash Check
- Friendly Fire
- Spawn Protection
- Multipoint
- Autowall
- Autowall minimum damage
- Visible minimum damage
- Autostop
- Multiple Hitboxes (Nearst, Head, Chest, Stomach, Arms, legs ...)
- Trigger Aim / Magnetic
- Delay and Burst
- Triggerbot Keybind
- Hitchance
- Smoke/Flash Check
- Weapon Settings
- Autowall
- Autowall minimum damage
- Visible minimum damage
- Autostop
- Style (Left/Right, Top/Bot, ...)
- Draw (Always, Spotted, Visible)
- Enemy only
- Visible
- Defuse
- Flags [zoom, defusing, planting, reloading, c4, flashed, HK and PIN]
- Distance
- Health
- Healtbar (Left/Right, Top/Bot, ...)
- Name
- Rank
- Weapon
- Head dot
- Skeleton
- Trace line
- C4 (On Player, Timer)
- Drop
- Radar hack
- Draw Fov
- Bombdamage
- Crosshair
- Spectator List
- Bomb info panel
- Chams [Flat]
- Nightmode
- Grenade prediction
- Viewmodel FOV
- World color modulation
- Lightning color modulation
- Cloud color modulation
- Skychanger and color modulation
- Radar Size
- Radar X
- Radar Y
- Hitmaker
- Hitsound
- Damage indicator
- Bunnyhop
- Edgejump
- Autoaccept
- Quickstop standalone
- Streaming proof (OBS and other)
- ESP key
- Theme manager
- Color manager
- Config System (Copy + Paste from clipboard)
- Weapon skins
- Glove skins
- Sticker changer
- Knife changer
- Skin customname
- Stattrak changer
- Skin seed
- Skin pearlescent [soon]
- Skin preview
- Skinchanger customizable for CT / T side
More Features will be added soon!
- VAC³
- Serverside
- Matchmaking
- and more ...
- Kernelmode Protection "Ring 0" 32 + 64 Bit
Supported OS
- Windows 10 64bit
- Windows 11 64bit
- Intel + AMD supported!
Payments* Available payment methods:
- Paypal
- Creditcard/Stripe
- Paymentwall
- Crypto payments are here:
- and more ...*